
Counseling Services

We offer personalized individual counseling and group counseling sessions to support individuals, seniors, veterans, and families in navigating life’s challenges. Our sessions provide a safe and supportive environment to address your concerns and foster personal growth.

If you’re interested in this service, please complete the form below, and one of our navigators will reach out to you shortly.

The Food Assistance Program

The Food Assistance Program provides eligible individuals and families with free groceries, including canned and dried fruits and vegetables, canned meats and juices, and fresh produce when available. The program also provides resources and application guidance for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Food Supplement Program. The program is linked with over 30 local community pantries and shelters

Individual and Family Support Food Assistance:

Provides food assistance to low-income individuals through a food bank program and offers a healthy food program for families with children, including nutritional education and cooking classes..

Senior Services Food Assistance:

Offers meal delivery and food pantry programs for seniors who are homebound or have difficulty accessing healthy food.

The Housing and Homeless Services Program

Our goal is to connect them with programs that offer rental assistance and housing placement. Additionally, we provide information and assistance with placement into short-term emergency shelters and support services for those experiencing homelessness. Finally, we also connect low-income households to resources that provide financial assistance for heating and cooling costs. Offers case management to individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless and navigate them to programs that offer rental assistance and housing placement for individuals, families Veterans and seniors.

  • Emergency Shelter: Provides information and help with placement into short-term emergency shelters and support services for individual, families, Veterans and seniors experiencing homelessness. Provides senior-specific housing options, including assisted living and affordable senior apartments.

  • Transitional Housing: Provides transitional housing options and support services to Individuals, families with children experiencing homelessness.

  • Energy Assistance: Link individuals, families, Veterans and seniors to resources that provide financial assistance to help low-income pay for heating and cooling costs.

  • Rental Assistance: Link individuals, families, Veterans and seniors to resources that provide financial assistance to help low-income pay for heating and cooling costs.


We provide all Veterans including very low-income with case management, engage them in treatment and rehabilitative programs while navigating them through housing and other supportive services.

Senior Support:

We offer specialized support services tailored to the unique needs of seniors, including wellness, companionship, assistance with daily tasks, and access to resources.

Career Assistance and Educational Workshops Services

We navigate our clients through various career assistance program which offers job skills training to help individuals find and maintain employment. The program helps individuals develop skills and offers opportunities for volunteering, job shadowing, and internships to build work experience. The program helps individuals create a resume and provides job search resources.